Tuesday, January 06, 2009



Clif Martin said...

Funny funny funeee! I laughed out loud. Was your kid amused?

Jack Snider said...

Thanks Cliff, i'm glad you like it. He's got a good sense of humor especially when it comes to anything that makes me look stupid.

Poet said...

That is great man, except for making yourself look so goofy. But I understand the need to self-deprecate (or is it self-defecate, I always get those confused). Anyway, I like the sentiment. Cheers.

blackbird said...

max told me of christmas visits with the wii and his littler cousin. i guess this answers my questions as to what he looks like!

Jack Snider said...

Thanks Ben.

(Are you saying I'm not goofy looking?)

blackbird: Playing Lego Batman was no doubt the highlight of an otherwise sedate party (for both of them).