Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Down the wobbly Wembly went,
the Snickerty Snoot in hot pursuit.

From the book "Bedtime Tales for Disturbed Children."
A collaborative effort by Lewis Lovecraft and H.P. Carroll.


Anthony Carpenter said...

That is mega-creepy, but beautifully executed. Really cool techniques.
Is it Painter?

Your world is a dark one, Mr. Snider.
Please continue sharing it with us.

Jack Snider said...

This one started in Painter and then I finished it up in Photoshop.

I keep returning to the strange. Can't be helped i guess. I'm glad you like it though.

Oscar Grillo said...

Brilliant piece!

Jack Snider said...

Thanks Oscar!
You're very generous.

Michael Mason said...

Terrific textures, you definately have avoided the 'computer colored' look. It looks like you took tissue and bristle brushes to a heavy piece of paper - very well done.

Jack Snider said...

Thanks Mike. I need to get some real paintings up here, but the digital stuff is faster. It's quicker to get your ideas out but ultimately less satisfying.